Trip to Vidova gora and hamlet Gazul
Trip to Vidova gora and hamlet Gazul is especially interesting to all guests and tourists because at that time, on its slopes in hamlet Gazul, domestic Brac dishes, domestic bread, wines and famous Brac Roast Lamb on skewer are offered. Vidova gora is located at altitude of 778 m, and it is in same time, highest mountain peak of all islands of Republic of Croatia. Hamlet Gazul has large pine forest which is located on Vidova gora slopes and it is 4 km of airline far of town Bol north and 7 km far of Town Nerezisce south. Trip to Vidova gora and Hamlet Gazul is organized during whole tourist season by travel agencies and tourist boards of towns Supetar and Bol. Largest visit of guests and tourists is in August, when in large pine forest improvised outdoor restaurant is built with wooden tables and benches and offers to numerous guests roast lamb, domestic dishes, bread and wines. At that time of Trip To Vidova Gora And Hamlet Gazul several thousand of guests visit it and for them are prepared over 250 lambs on skewer, over 500 kg of Domestic Bread and several hl of wines, beers, juices and water. Every year Gospodnetic family organize Trip To Vidova Gora And Hamlet Gazul through tourist boards, so many guests are coming here with numerous cars and buses, so they could enjoy beautiful view,untouched nature and domestic Brac dishes and wines.
Apartment Bakovic
Island Brac
Camp Vranina
Island Brac
Holiday home Villa Mirca
Island Brac
Hotel Elaphusa
Island Brac
Restaurant Ribarska kucica
Island Brac
Rural house Marinkovic
Island Brac
Villa Villa Mirca
Island Brac
Particularly recommended in Croatia

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