Privacy Policy
PRIVACY POLICY on the websites of
Hotels, villas, vacation houses, apartments, marinas, luxury cruising boats, rural houses, camps
During the advertisement, use and booking reservation making over our websites, approaches with special care, responsability and representation of complete data in communication with users and business partners. All the services we are providing on basis of privacy policy legislation, reguests of clients, business partners and users, so we could meet the general terms and privacy policy of every user of our websites. is obliged to your personal data protection, so we are asking you to get to know and follow periodically these terms of privacy policy, because of possible changes and amendments.
1.General rules of privacy policy
Based on these general rules of privacy policy we collect personal data for:
- Better service of advertisement on request of customer or user
- Faster and complete fulfilment of requested services
- Promotion of our services and necessary official reporting
- Promotional prize games
- Our internal statistical data processing
- Possibility of sending of publications, brochures and promotional materials.
2.Privacy policy contents
Privacy policy covers following data:
- Name and surname
- Address
- E-mail address
- Phone and fax number
- Your bank card data, which you have sent to for the procedure of on-line booking or for some other procedure of payment or payment assurance
- Other data you have sent us, and you want to remain secret
3.Privacy policy duration
At the moment of the sending of your data, you consent to contact you and enter our E-mail list and evidence of customers and users. Your explicit request is the moment of entrance into the list and your agreement to the contact. Your protection of privacy policy data is permanent, till one of the party decides to cease the communication and business contact. You can ask for an exclusion from our E-mail list any moment. After that, doesn't use your data, except for our internal informatic and statictical data processing.
4.Privacy policy contents
Your E-mail address and the other data, we don't sell, lease, nor give third interested party at the disposal, without your consent, because we are following our privacy policy. We'll ask for your permission to contact you about special offers and jobs about advertisement on websites. can not be held resposible for accidental errors, the errors due to force majeure or the other objective circumstances, which cause accidental violation of guarentee protection of your data. If that happens, the error will be remove as soon as possible. We are collecting only those personal data which have been voluntarily sent us to use them exclusively for the provision of above mentioned services. Your bank card data, you have sent are used only as the means of payment assurance of booked services and they have the same protection as your other data. After duly made and paid services, these data are used no more, without your agreement. Out of, without your permission, we don't sell, transfer or discover the data you have sent us, and which are published on our websites, except in:
- Case when it is necessary for the carring out our legal obligations
- Case when it is necessary to protect your life, dignity or privacy, and you are not able to give us your consent for your personal data processing
- Case when it is necessary for the fulfilment of the tasks which are in public interest
- Case when you have published those data ( article 7, paragraph 3, points 1 – 4 Privacy policy law
- Case when the inclusion of another business party is indispensable for the correct forming and use of our websites. In these cases, before the delivery of personal data, the other party is obliged to to keep the business secrets
- Case of possible selling or transfer of interest, we reserve our selling right or transfer your data to third business party which
a)Carries out his business within similar activities or services
b)Consents to be interest successor about keeping and protection of collected data
c)Consents on obligations of this privacy policy
5. Data confidentiality
During the use of websites, your personal data remain secret, except if your want to discover them voluntarily. We oblige that we shall not discover the data, we have got from you, except in cases mentioned in the previous article 4. of these privacy policy terms.
6.Server services
Our server of global internet uses the statistic software. These soltwares are the standards and marks of all web servers and they are not characteristic only for our websites. They enable us to adjust our websites in a way to be more effective and simpler to our users and business partners. Server services enable fast approach and data processing on internet and on websites.
7.Use of software Cookie
To facilitate the browse of our websites our global internet server use Cookies. It is about small textual files which server presents on internet for users to follow the selection of some linguistic variants of our websites, as well as during the entry to some part of websites, which call for user name and password. Software Cookie can not be used for running some software or setting virus in your computer. Software Cookie, which our server has installed, is deleted automatically from your PC at the end of your use, that is, at the moment, you leave our websites. The browse of our websites is possible without use of software Cookie if your web browser is adjusted in that way.
8.Use of E-mail messages
When you send us E-mail with personal data, through which you could be identified, weather through E-mail with questions, comments or through form, which you have sent us by E-mail, we use these data only for fulfilment of your requests. Your demand is an order and message to us to keep your privacy and data, which we get from you through E-mail. Keeping of the personal data is component part of our terms and privacy policy.
9.Data safety
For data safety on websites, to ensure this service to be accessible to all users, this compjuter system uses the software which follow the visits on internet and recognizes the unauthorized attempts of data delivery or changes, as well as those, which could cause damage in some other way. Unauthorized attempts of data sending or change on websites are strictly prohibited, based on Privacy policy law.
10.Surveys and questionnaries
On our websites we are conducting periodic surveys and questionnaries with our business partners and users. The data we collect through them, we use only for the needs of If we announce the surveys answers sample, it doesn't contain the personal data.
11.Demand for sending of some personal data
During the publication of employment competition, collects the personal data of candidates, concerning the: Name and surname, day, month and year of birth, citizenship, degree, work experience, propensities to work in some field, based on article 2, paragraph 1, point 1, 2 and 6. Privacy policy law. is complying the ban od collection and processing the personal data provided by article 8 paragraph 1 Privacy policy law ( Racial or ethnic origin, political views, religious beliefs, union membership, health or sexual orientation and the personal data concerning the criminal and misdemeanor proceedings ). can give personal data the other users only with written request, if it is necessary for carrying out the jobs within activities defined by law, based on article 11. Privacy policy law.
12.Promotional prize games
Our websites, often contain information about different games, which we organise for promotion of, as an advertiser. For those competitions and prize games, which are accessible by electronic approach, we shall use your personal data, only for realization of prize games. We don't share information with no one outside, except with our business partners who are assisting us about prize games realization, and they have legal obligation of keeping the secret of all accessible data. When the prize games are over, all data, which you have sent us will be deleted, if you demant that from us.
13.Protection of children personal data
In direct communication with children through internet, special problems occur about the protection of their privacy. Our internet sites could be used by children, and we could possibly collect the personal data of children younger then 14 years, but our websites are made in attention to protect the children rights to the fullest extent possible. According to that, we:
- Don't collect, don't use and don't discover the data through which someone could contact the children through internet, except in case of promotional prize games. Such the data for contact through internet is using without permission of parents, only for direct response to the child request, and it will be not used for no other purpose
- We don't collect personal data for the contact outside the internet, except for the awards, and only with parents permission
- We don't send the third persons any personal data without previous parents permission
- We don't enable the children to publich or in some other way distribute their personal data, or some other materials they are sending us and through which they could be contacted, nor we encourage the children to discover more data then it is neccessery for the participation in prize game or some other activity
14.Control of personal data protection
Any time you can demand the review of all personal data, which we have got from you on our e-mail address. At your request we can update, correct, delete or cease the use of these data.
15.Links will make such the links which will provide good redirects from our websites to you, or to sites which contents provide quality and personal data protection. However, websites and internet addresses are changing rapidly, and we can not allways guarantee the contents and the links to every address, to which we are directing you.
16.Changes and cessation of terms of use have right to changes, interruption of all or part of websites, terms of use and privacy policy at any moment. Question us if you need and send your user experience: The changes come into force by publication on this address or when the users are informed about that. The terms of use are applying to the moment of termination by your side, or by By your termination, at that moment, cease the use of these websites and all data and contents taken over and used on our websites wil be canceled.
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