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General Terms of Booking

Hotels, villas, apartments, vacation houses, camps, country houses

1.General stipulations

These general stipulations about booking of accommodation in tourist objects, instructions about travel and obligations of all participants in tourist services, are announced on legal obligation basis, and are valid for tourist object owner and guests-passengers.

2.Offer of tourist object services

Tourist object offers services of accommodation, organization of excursions, rent a boat, catering and other services, on request of guest-passenger. Tourist object owner has all terms and contains needed for provision of tourist services. For every paid service, owner will issue invoice, ticket or proof, and will keep them for 3 years. To protect interest of guest-passenger, object owner will behave like good business partner and orderly keep complaints book. In a case of force majeure, he will cancel his services every guest – passenger in time.

3. Issuance of prescribed documents after received payments

Tourist object owner, will issue guest – passenger prescribed document for every received payment in cash, or on his bank current account. For the received advance payment, after confirmed booking of accommodation, or for other one-off payments, owner will issue proof about received payment. After receipt of total payment according to the guest – passenger request and booking, or after finished stay in tourist object, the owner will issue him an invoice for total services done, with following data:

  • Name of tourist object, first and last name of owner, address, town, telephone, fax, E-mail address, and the other data needed
  • First and last name of guest – passenger, booking holder, address, town, state, telephone, E-mail address, passport number
  • First and last names of his guests, addresses, towns, state, telephones, E-mail addresses, passports numbers
  • Types of services done, time of use, prices, discounts, specification of users and the other items of settlement of invoice total amount
  • Remark about the way of VAT settlement, local and the other taxes
  • Date of invoice, signature and seal of tourist object owner – authorirized person

4.Booking and payment of accommodation

All data about tourist object are presented on websites, so everyone can reach needed information. Inquiries and booking of accommodation and the other services, can be sent by E-mail, written or oral messages in the very object. Guest – passenger accept booking by very corfirmation and notification in these manners, after he has carefully red, familiar with them and accept entirely, general terms of business about provision of accommodation and the other services of tourist objectt. This procedure legaly obliges tourist object owner and the guest – passenger as well. After the guest – passenger has sent an announcement of booking, tourist object owner will send on his E-mail address, or in the other way, all data, images and the other information about tourist object, general terms of booking of accommodation, so that person could reach complete information about his request. Further procedure is following:

  • For the booking of accommodation, after its confirmation, 30% of advanced payment is needed to be paid, not later than 40 days before guest arrival
  • The rest of amount must be paid, not later than 30 days before guest arrival in tourist object
  • If the guest doesn't pay the rest of debt of 70% total amount, tourist object owner is entitled to cancel the booking, by previous sending the notice to guest – passenger
  • Foreign guests can pay these services by bank card or in the other manner, in Euros according to the middle rate, at the day of payment, in favour of bank current account of object owner
  • Domestic guests are making payments in kunas, in favour of bank current account of object owner, or in cash, in the very tourist object
  • Bank current account of object owner shall be published in price list of services.

5.Local taxes

According to the current Law of local taxes in Republic of Croatia, passenger is obliged to pay local tax, in the same time with payment of accommodation. Local tax is prescribed by mentioned law, and it amounts to the following:

  • 2,00 to 7,00 kunas ( 26,66 – 93,33 cents ) for adults per night
  • 2,00 to 7,00 kunas for guests on charter cruising boats in domestic meritime traffic per night
  • For the children age of 12 – 18 years, 50% of local tax is to be paid
  • Children age to 12 years are free of payment of local tax
  • Passengers on large cruising vessels in intenational maritime traffic are free of payment of local tax, while they are at the berth in the tourist town harbour
Final amount of local tax for certain booking, depends on destination in Republic of Croatia, where the object is located, period of stay, number and the age group of passengers. Amount of local taxes are included in the price of accommodation.

6.Category and types of tourist object services

Tourist object fulfils all conditions according to the Law about classification and categorization of the other tourist objects in Republic of Croatia and the decision – approval of the competent office, for the carrying out the tourist business. Tourist object has garden, swimming pool and is fully equipped, so it can provides the services and accommodation in apartments-rooms, where the guests can prepare and eat the food, use the catering service, prepare the drinks and beverages, at the guest request. There is fenced parking for cars of guests, which is under the video surveillance. There is also an arranged access from the parking to the object ground apartments-rooms for the disabled persons.

7.Price list of tourist object services

Price of accommodation includes the basic service which is presented in sent price list for every apartment during the booking. Guest – passenger is obliged to pay some additional services: Final cleaning the apartment after his departure, insurance, registration and ecological tax which are mentioned after the basic ones. If the passenger want some additional services, he must quote them during the booking of accommodation. Price of accommodation covers: Consumed electricity, water, gas, internet, linen, towels, handy bar and the other services, which are listed in the price list. Before his departure, guest is obliged to tidy and clean the apartment-room. After that, follows the final cleaning of complete apartment-room, appliances and furniture by object staff, so the tidy room could be provided to the new guest. All prices are presented in Euros. Tourist object owner is entitled to change the prices, but not later than 20 days before the guest arrival in object. Passenger is entitled to cancel the booking if the increase occured, larger than 10% of the initial price in the first booking, and is entitled to refund of the amount paid, without damage indemnity and foreign exchange differencies. If more persons have come in tourist object, than the guest had presented in booking confirmation, owner can provide an accommodation only for the registered number, or accept all, if there is vacancy, by the extra payment, at the very spot. Guest may not bring the pets, if the house rules doesn't allow it. The services and discounts can not be mutually added and combined. In one booking, only one discount can be approved. Price list of tourist object services will be specially published on websites of accommodation booking

  • Discounts in payment of accommodation are following, for
  •      - Babies under 2 years of age, are free of charge
         - Children from 3 to 11 years of age, only 20% of price is charged
         - Children from 12 to 17 years of age, 50% of price is charged
         - Children of 18 years and older, full price is charged
  • Final cleaning of apartment-room after the guests departure, shall be charged 20 €
  • Use of handy bar shall be charged according to the consumption of drinks
  • Catering service shall be charged according to the orders of guests
  • Organization of excursion shall be charged according to the total costs
  • Rent a boat shall be charged according to the total costs, and
  • Other services according to the costs of requests and orders of guests.

8.Obligations of tourist object owner

Tourist object owner is obliged to take care about: Carrying out of the terms of booking, price list of services in business, safety and provision of all information needed to guests – passengers, Republic of Croatia legislation and the customs of good host in tourism.

9.Obligations of guest - passenger

Every guest – pasenger is obliged to:

  • Possess valid travel documents
  • Respect the Republic of Croatia customs and foreign exchange regulations
  • Check, if he needs a visa to enter the Republic of Croatia, where the destination is located, or for the neighbouring countries. In a case of impossibility of voyage continuation, for the violation of regulations by passenger, all travel expenses incurred, shall be born by himself
  • Keep the house rules and cooperate with owner and staff, so his stay in object shell go by, to the mutual satisfaction
  • During his arrival to the destination, he must hand over object owner or host, a documents about paid services
  • Pay the complete amount of his stay, if he has chosen the last minute booking, that is, an unannounced arrival to the tourist object
  • Pay the rest of debt at the very spot, if he has chosen the payment model of accommodation, at the very day of arrival to the object
  • During the booking confirmation, he has to announce the pet, who will stay with him
  • During the booking confirmation, he needs also to announce a number and children age, who will stay with him
  • Every guest – passenger is obliged to give to all participants in organization and provision of accommodation, mediation and the other services, during travel and stay in tourist object, accurate data about: Planned time of stay, all personal data of guests – passengers, E-mail address, manner and time of payment and the other data which are important for stay of guests – passengers in tourist object and tourist destination
  • If guest – passenger by his incorrect data or irresponsible behaviour about sending of necessary data to all participants in organization of travel and stay of guests in tourist object, inflicts the damage which has been caused by payment of contractual and legal obligations to the other participants, that amount of damage, guest – passenger is obliged to compensate or it will be not recognized in final account of booking, payment or refund
  • In a case of contempt of listed obligations, the passenger shall bear costs by himself and shall be held responsible for the damage done. By booking confirmation, the passenger is obliged to pay all damage done, in the very spot, if he is responsible for that

10.Passengers right to changes and cancellation of accommodation booking

Every change or cancellation of accommodation booking, the passenger is obliged to send the object owner in writting: Written notice, fax or E-mail message, so the owner could work on the claim. In a case of sending the change or cancellation of confirmed booking till 12 o'clock, the claim will be treated, at that day. In a case of acceptance the written notice after 12 o'clock, as the day of treatment, next working day will be taken. In case the passenger cancel the confirmed accommodation booking till 3 days after the paid booking, and there are more than 31 days to the beginning of arrival, the object owner shall refund him the paid amount within 7 working days, after the acceptance of passenger claim. These rules are valid only for the first booking cancellation. For the change of persons number, date of arrival and departure, made by passenger after already confirmed booking, if the booking can be realized, following terms are applied:

  • If there are more than 30 days to the guest arrival to the object, on the amount of booking which is the same or larger than original, the owner will charge only difference in prices
  • If there are more than 30 days to the guest arrival to the object, on the amount of booking which is smaller than original, the object owner will charge administrative cost of 20 €. Possible difference will be refund to guest
  • If there are 29 to 10 days before the guest arrival to the object, on the amount of booking, which is the same or it is increasing, object owner will charge only difference in price
  • If there are 29 to 10 days before the guest arrival to the object, on the amount of booking, which is smaller than original, the object owner will make the changes according the guest request, but the amount of booking will not be decreased
  • The change of booking 9 to 0 day before the guest arrival to the object, are not possible, and the guest must accept the terms according the confirmed booking
  • If the guest – passenger demands the replacement of apartments in the same object, and the change is possible, the object owner will charge administrative cost to the amount of 20 €, and possible difference of price
  • If the guest demands the accommodation in another object, this change is treated as the booking cancellation, and the bellow terms of booking cancellations will be applied
  • If the demanded booking changes are not possible and the guest gives up of that booking, bellow mentioned terms will be applied

11.In case of cancellation of confirmed accommodation booking, following costs shall be charged:

  • For the cancellation of confirmed booking till 40 days before the guest arrival to the object, 30% of total booking amount shall be charged
  • For the cancellation of confirmed booking from 39 to 30 days before the guest arrival to the object, 50% of total booking amount shall be charged
  • For the cancellation of confirmed booking from 29 to 20 days before the guest arrival to the object, 65% of total booking amount shall be charged
  • For the cancellation of confirmed booking from 19 to 10 days before the guest arrival to the object, 90% of total booking amount shall be charged
  • For the cancellation of confirmed booking from 9 to 0 days before the guest arrival to the object, 100% of total booking amount shall be charged
  • For every cancellation of confirmed booking, object owner shall charge administarative cost of 20 €
If according to the terms of booking cancellation, the guest is entitled to the partly refund of paid amount, object owner is obliged to refund him corresponding amount within 14 days. If guest-passenger has paid amount which is larger, than amount total costs of cancellation of confirmed booking, object owner shall calculate difference and inform guest about that. This amount, between paid amount and costs of booking cancellation, tourist object owner shall refund guest-passenger within 14 days, from day of booking cancellation. During the booking cancellation, where the guest has paid 30% of total amount to the object owner, if the total amount of cancellation costs exceeds the paid amount, invoice for the difference of costs for the booking cancellation shall be rendered, according to these terms of booking cancellation. The guest is obliged to meet the invoice within 14 days on its acceptance. In case of cancellation by guest within 9 days before his arrival, object owner can approve passenger to find the new guest for the same booking. In which case, owner shall charge the administrative costs of 20 €. New guest takes over all obligations from these general terms of business. If the passenger didn't come in the booked accommodation till midnight, on a day of scheduled arrival, without previous notice to owner for delay, booking shall be cancelled, and all cancellation costs shall be calculated according to these terms. If real cancellation costs exceed the paid amount of booking, the object owner is entitled to charge all costs guest and issue him the invoice, which should be meet within 14 on acceptance by passenger. Object owner doesn't compensate passenger costs about the procurement of travel documents and visa, related to his cancelled booking.

12.Insurance of passengers – guests during the voyage and stay in object

Price of booking doesn't cover the travel insurance package, which contains the: Personal accidents insurance, illness during the voyage and stay in tourist object, voyage cancellation, insurance of luggage damage and loss, insurance of booking cancellation and voluntarily health insurance. By the payment of booking, the passenger confirms, that he has been offered and recommended by above mentioned additional insurance. In case of passenger demand of the listed insurance, they can be stipulated directly with one of the insurance company, or through the tourist object owner, within general stipulated insurance policy for all passengers – guests who stay in our object for the current year. In case, that passenger didn't stipulate some kind of insurance, and he has to cancel the voyage, the object owner is entitled to charge the inccured costs according the rules listed in these terms of business. After the booking cancelation by guest, costs about procurement of travel document and visa, shall not be compensated The tourist object owner is obliged to provide all documents related the booking which is needed to the passenger for a claim against the insurance company after the stipulated policy. All the other terms of insurance are listed with insurance policy, and every passenger is recommended to read them well.

13.Storing of guests – passengers luggage and personal belongings

All passengers are obliged to take care of their belongings brought into the tourist object and are held responsible for the theft, loss or damage of belongings, which have left without their surveillance. The object owner is not responsible for the damaged, destroyed or lost luggage, theft or valuables in tourist object, if they were not stored in safe or in locked store room. Lost luggage or theft, passenger is obliged to report to the object owner and competent police station.

14.Right of tourist object owner to changes and booking cancellation

The object owner is entitled to changes and booking cancellation, if extraordinary circumstances occured, which can not be predictable, avoidable or removable. They can be for the: Illness, death, natural disasters, war, object damage, impossibility of arrival to the object and the other natural disasters. The object owner can change the booked accommodation, if he informed the passenger in time, about the alternative accommodation of the same or higher category and its price which corresponds to the price of the confirmed booking. In case that the object owner can offers guest only alternative accommodation of higher category, which price exceeds the paid booking amount, more than 10%, the object owner has right to charge the difference in price, by the guest – passenger agreement. In case of impossibility of replacement the paid accommodation, object owner has right to cancel the booking by previously sent notice to passenger before his arrival, and he guarantees a refund of the complete paid amount, where the passenger has no right to demand the damage indemnity from the object owner, because it was about the extraordinary circumstances. The object owner is obliged to refund only the paid amount at his expence within 14 days on acceptance of his claim. If there is no possible proper accommodation replacement on his arrival in object, the owner is obliged to provide the passenger all information needed about alternative accommodation in some other object and refund the paid amount of guest – passenger booking within 14 days on acceptance of his claim.

15.Settlement of guests – passengers complaints

Every guest – passenger is entitled to complaints for the unexecuted stipulated services. In case, when the services from the presented offer, are unsatisfactorily done, the passenger is obliged on the very day of arrival to object these unadequate services, inform the object owner about that, enter comments in the complaints book or send a message to E-mail address, or telephone number. Guest is obliged to cooperate with object owner in a good faith, so the causes of complaints could be removed to the mutual satisfaction. If the guest leave the object and independently find some another accommodation for the dissatisfaction of found conditions of booked accommodation, without giving a possibility the object owner to remove the cause of his dissatisfaction, or to find him the alternative accommodation, the guest – passenger has no right to refund or refer the suit for the damage indemnity, regardless of the fact, that his reasons were justified or not. Also, if the guest, at the very spot, accept the offered solution of complaint, which corresponds paid services, the object owner shall not accept additional guest's complaint, nor answer to it. In a case when a problem is not removed, nor after the intervention of tourist object owner, guest is obliged to send the written complaint at the very spot, together with the accompanying documents and images, which prove the ground for complaint to owner, to the E-mail address, or by post, not later than 8 days on his return home from the vacation. The object owner is obliged to take into consideration only complete filed complaints, received within 8 days after the booking accomplishment. The object owner is obliged to edit the written decision to the passenger complaints within 14 days on its acceptance. The object owner is also obliged to solve only those complaints which causes couldn't be removed in the tourist object. The largest indemnity against complaint may amounts to the amount of complaint part, and can not cover already used services, nor the whole amount of stay in object. Republic of Croatia law about provision of services in tourism, excludes the passenger – guest indemnity of ideal damage. If guest is not satisfied with the object owner decision, he may appeals to the competent court in town of Split. The owner can not be responsible for the: Climate conditions, impurity and temperature of sea, bad weather, unclean beaches, bad roads and crowds, theft, property damage and the other objective circumstances. If the passenger has decided for the Last minute booking, than he accepts all risks of such the booking because of an uncertainty of vacancy. Last minute booking contains the uncertain facts, on which the owner can not effects, and the passenger has accepted that accommodation for the more favourable price. In that case the guest waives his right to complaint and damage indemnity from the tourist object owner.

16.Protection of guests – passengers personal data

The passenger gives the personal data voluntarily and they are needed for the booking of accommodation, further mutual communication and the other services. The tourist object owner is obliged, not to give the guests personal data, to unauthorized persons or authorities, except for the purpose of realization of the demanded services. Personal data of passengers shall be stored in database and or in cookie memory according to collection, processing and storing of personal data. The guest – passenger gives consent to owner for the use of their personal data for the tourist object marketing and its offer.

17.Settlement of disputes in competent court

Guest and tourist object owner are obliged to resolve the possible disputes by agreement, according to these terms of business. If the agreement can not be achieved, any part can sue to the competent court in town of Split.

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