Pirates parties, town of Omis
Through the history, the town of Omis, was known as the town of pirates,its maritime vessels fleet, location near the river Cetina mouth,steep rocks on the northern part of down town, which provided them the security of the attack from the land and the developt trade. Within the Omis tourist summer,every year in the July, the program of the Pirates' Parties with the original costums and weapons from that age is organized. On the sea, the real Maritime Battle between the pirates' and Venetian vessel was taking place. After this in the afternoon, the procession and the entire evening program of music and good food was followed. It was the unforgettable pleasure.
The history of the town Omis is very interesting. In the middle age, to encrease the incomes and earn the quick profit for the town Omis inhabitants, they were dealing in the piracy. They were attacking almost all seaside and islands' towns,the merchant vessels on its return to the home harbours because they were full of the merchandises. Since they have been the skilled navigators with the small,guick vessels and had the natural protection in the river Cetina canyon, they could hide quickly into the hidden Slanica castle after every attack. Therefore they have been undetected for the very long time. At the time of the greatest conquering attacks, the head of the Omis Pirates were the princes of the families Kacic and Subic. They have been attacking the pope's galleys,merchant vessels and convoys of the mighty Venice,Dubrovnik republic,crusaders on their return from the Palestine, or at the time when they have been carring the treasure or merchandises. After the arrival of the frenchmen in this area, in the year 1805. they have lost the authority and control over the sea. After that, the decadence of the wealth and power of then the town of Omis, has started.
The present town of Omis is a modern town, turned to the marine,trade and the tourism. Within offer, it has the rich tourist summer,large auto camp and many others services, so the large number of the tourist come avery year at its riviera.
Apartment Nedo
Riviera Omis
Camp Galeb
Riviera Omis
Charter boat Delfin
Riviera Omis
Holiday home Hotel-Villa Dvor
Riviera Omis
Hotel Brzet
Riviera Omis
Restaurant Camp Galeb
Riviera Omis
Rural house Radmanove mlinice
Riviera Omis
Villa Hotel-Villa Dvor
Riviera Omis
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